One Creative Act

Mitch Kaufmann: Lucky Attitude — Success through Surf and Service

Episode Summary

In 1972, he picked up a camera, walked out to the beach and started filming surfers. As one of the first to boost surfing through videography, Mitch Kaufmann went on to create The Radical Side tv show, highlighting the surf and skate culture from 1988-2001. He says his life is lucky. In 1990, a travel agent in Barbados asked him to come shoot a surf contest which turned into a lifelong passion for travel, surfing and video. He was sent on trips throughout South and Central America — paid to surf and film in remote places. He went on to become the videographer of the US Surf Team and was able to continue traveling. Today, Mitch serves the Beaches community of Jacksonville by continuing to contribute to the local and national surf culture. He is a 30-year surf contest director and all-around promoter of life in the water. “If you love to do it, do it and do your best and for the benefit of others without looking for a reward.” Mitch lives in Jax Beach, Florida and is always ready for a new adventure. Holding friends and health as his core values, he serves the community and surfs waves every day and I would say this legend has just gotten started.

Episode Notes

Mitch Kaufmann seems to have started surfing the same day he learned to walk. As a result, his love for the water and traveling to remote surf spots became his life. His profession of videography and surfing waves intertwined and made every day a lucky day. His trust in gratitude for his life, creativity as a daily opportunity, and generosity because he’s been given so much, are prominent in his attitude. 

In this conversation, you’ll hear:
